High School of Computers and Technology Home

Welcome to High School of Computers and Technology

Welcome to the High School of Computers and Technology: With a belief that all children can learn, the mission of the High School of Computers and Technology will be to create an environment where students can prepare for a career in the Information technology industry while earning a Regents Diploma and building a foundation to further their education in college or post secondary technical school. Mutual respect, understanding, value for community, and a quest for knowledge will serve as guiding principles for our students and staff. All instruction will be interdisciplinary and hands on through project-based education. All members of the school community will be able to clearly articulate the aspirations of our school and its mission and be equally responsible for the development of our culture and the achievement of our goals.

News & Announcements

HSCT Deadline Featured Photo

HSCT Deadline

Our school news paper provides a variety of information to students attending HSCT. Check it out our latest edition!